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Advanced Help for CloudMe Sync.

With the advanced CloudMe sync features, you can connect your digital life in the way that suits you the best. You might want to connect your job and home computers so that they always contain the latest updated files. And you can decide how to organize your music and pictures so that they are accessible from anywhere, without filling up all the storage space on your devices.

First, let's clear up any question marks you may have regarding the different types of syncing.

Upload Sync

Upload Sync lets you upload digital content to your CloudMe account, daily or weekly, based on your sync schedule. From there you can then access it from any internet connected device.
You don't want to fill all your computers with the same content. But you do want to access the content from anywhere.
Good examples of content you just want to upload might be your music and photos. With an upload sync folder, your account also serves as a back-up for your files.

Download Sync

Download Sync lets you download digital content from your CloudMe account to your computer, daily or weekly, based on your sync schedule.
You would like to have some folders downloaded regularly from your CloudMe account to your local computer.
Good examples of content you just want downloaded might be your photos and video. With a download sync folder, your photos and video are backed-up, daily or weekly, based on your sync schedule.

Bidirectional Sync

Any changes being made to the files within a bidirectional folder will appear on all your connected computers, daily or weekly, based on your sync schedule.
When you are regularly making continuous changes to your files, scheduled syncing is the optimal choice since it saves on bandwith. Of course you can always do a manual sync by clicking on the Sync Now button for immediate syncing.
Files that you want to continue to update and work on over time, like text files and spread sheets, are accessible and updated daily or weekly based on your sync schedule.


Any changes being made to the files within a hotsync folder will appear instantaneously on all your connected computers.
You can always be sure that you are working on the latest updated files, as long as you are working on files within a hotsync folder. You can shift from one computer to another and continue to work where you left off.
Files that you want to continue to update and work on over time, like text files and spreadsheets, are always accessible and updated.

Here's how to use the most common advanced CloudMe features.

How do I add a sync folder?

  1. Open CloudMe on your computer.
  2. Click "Add a sync folder"
  3. In the "Local Folders" view, Select a folder to sync it with from your computer's local drive
  4. In the "CloudMe Folders" view, Select a folder to sync from your CloudMe account's Cloud Drive
  5. Click "OK" and a sync folder has now been created
  6. All new sync folders are by default a Bidirectional sync (see below)
  7. Right-click on the added sync folder and choose Sync Folder Now to sync it immediately

How do I change a sync folder's type?

To change a folder's sync type:

  1. Click "View sync folders"
  2. Select a sync folder
  3. Click on the radio button in front of the sync type you wish
  4. If you choose Upload, Download or Bidirectional the change is made immediately(the arrows on the folder will update to reflect your choice)
  5. If you choose Hotsync, click "Yes" to confirm (the color of the folder will change to red)

How do I download a Favorite?

  1. Open CloudMe on your computer.
  2. Click "Add a sync folder"
  3. In the "Local Folders" view, Select a folder to sync it with from your computer's local drive
  4. In the "CloudMe Folders" view, Select a folder to sync from your CloudMe account's Favorites
  5. Click "OK" and a Favorite sync folder has now been created
  6. Right-click on the added Favorite folder and choose Sync Folder Now to download immediately

How do I change the Sync Schedule?

  1. Click on Application Settings, the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the CloudMe window
  2. Under Scheduler, Check the "Use scheduler" box
  3. Select Daily or Weekly as well as which time and/or day to sync.

At any time, you can press the Sync Now button to sync all your folders immediately.

How are conflicts settled?

To settle conflicts:

  1. Click "View sync folders"
  2. Select a folder, right-click and move the mouse to Conflict Type to:
    • Backup - Make a backup of conflicting files
    • Overwrite - Overwrite conflicting files (Your CloudMe account file is always used as the original)
    • Ignore - If in conflict the file will not be uploaded or downloaded, but ignored
    • Always use Backup if in doubt, it will make sure that no information is lost.

What if I'm just looking for a one-time, easy upload of my files to my CloudMe account?

For easy upload, just drag your files to the "Drop to CloudMe" bar at the bottom of the CloudMe window. The bar will turn green to indicate you are in the drop zone. All files dropped there will be uploaded to the Documents folder in your CloudMe account. This is a great way to save space on your other connected computers since a copy of each file is not pushed to them.

Let your friends access and follow your files through a http link.
Share your files, but also allow your friends to upload to your WebShare. A file inbox provided through a http link.
Collaborate and share a WebShare with friends and work together in a common folder through a http link.
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