CloudMe - The Blue Folder Company
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Presenting the best deal ever
Finally it is here! The way to get your premium account for as little as €4.90 a month. So now you can supersize your free account and make it 8X bigger – all for the cost of a lunch a month! Wait no longer. Get it today. Secure all your photos and files while making them accessible from everywhere.

Supersize here!

Three monthly subscription plans are available. Upgrade to 25 GB for €4.90 monthly, 100 GB for €14.90 monthly or 500 GB for €49.90 monthly. Our monthly subscriptions come with no strings attached. If not completely satisfied, feel free to cancel at any time.
New Major CloudMe Release!
CloudMe and Mountain Lion
Fresh, right out of our lab, we have now finally released our fully encrypted SSL support for CloudMe, together with full drag and drop in the web access, including drop to upload, and an updated Android app with multiple file upload.

Try it today!
CloudMe has added support for OS X Mountain Lion to our current release of CloudMe available through our web access at In addition, our latest release of CloudMe Sync includes a fix for Mountain Lion.

Download the CloudMe Sync update here.
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